Thursday 26 May 2016

Second Lit paper!

I've put some more poetry and prose on for last minute revision tomorrow. Good luck, you've been preparing for this exam for a long time, you are ready, you know what you are doing, treat the exam as an opportunity to show how much you've studied.  Exams are like an Olympic Games. You train and train (study and revise) and then you go out and try to win a gold medal (get an A* or a C). You're at your peak fitness, you might not win, but you are going to give as good as you possibly can. You don't see Usain Bolt or Jess Ennis panicking on the starting line, or tweeting about how crap they think they are. You're the expert now, show the world (the examiner) how good you are! You can do it!!!

Sunday 22 May 2016

Good luck everybody! Impress that examiner with all the hard work you've put in.

Remember to write clearly, focus on specifics and explain the effects of language, character, setting or themes.

Always quote when you've made a point, to illustrate it.
Use short quotes of words and phrases and move on when you've explained.

Dont write an essay, make your first point straightaway. On average make 4 clear points. Plan your points by choosing your evidence from the text, first.

Sunday 15 May 2016

A week today is everybody's first English Literature exam. So I hope you've found some interesting tips here. Please check out the pages, new stuff has been and will be added.

Be confident that you know your stuff. You've studied hard for nearly two years, you've revised and practised past papers. You probably know more than you think you do, so don't panic!

Thursday 5 May 2016


Check out the pages, there is new material under most of the headings now, and I am adding to them every day until the exams.


English Literature is on Monday 23rd May and Friday 27th May

English Language is on Tuesday 7th June.

Please leave any comments and I will try to reply to you as quickly as possible.

Good Luck!